All-Party Parliamentary Group for Conflict Issues

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The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues is a parliamentary group registered on 21 December 2006. Its stated purpose is: 'To encourage dialogue, on the basis of expert information and opinion from across the political spectrum, on issues relating to conflict; especially on the practical means to prevent, transform and resolve violent conflict.'

Launch and other meetings

The Group was launched on 6 February 2007 when Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Britain's former Special Representative in Iraq, addressed the group and answered questions on 'The Changing Nature of Conflict'. Greenstock whose book on the Iraq war was blocked by the Foreign Office, was joined on the platform by London School of Economics Professor Mary Kaldor, author of New and Old Wars. Other APPGCI meetings include 'The Power of Mediation', March 2007 where the speakers were Douglas Hurd (former Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary and Northern Ireland Secretary) and Professor Karl Mackie of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution; 'Dogs of War or a Force for Peace?' May 2007 which examined the controversial and unregulated role of private military and security companies in modern conflict, the speakers were: Andy Bearpark, Director General, British Association of Private Security Companies and John Hilary, Campaigns and Policy Director, War on Want; [1] November 2007 'Strategic Trends 2007-2036' with Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD's think tank, the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre[2]
