Mario Mikulincer

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Mario Mikulincer is Professor of Psychology and Dean of the New School of Psychology at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology and was awarded the 2004 Psychology EMET prize for Arts, Science, & Culture[1].

Research interests

Mikulincer has the following research interests:

attachment styles in adulthood; Terror Management Theory, personality processes in interpersonal relationships; evolutionary psychology, human learned helplessness and depression; trauma and post-traumatic processes; coping with stress; qualitative research of emotional states; mental rumination and self-focused attention.


New School of Psychology | Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya | American Psychological Society | Society for Personality and Social Psychology


  1. Mario Mikulincer, Professional Profile, Social Psychology, Accessed 02-September-2009