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(pledge status update)
(pledge status update)
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*'''[[Parti Socialiste]]''' has 30 MEP candidates, 16 of whom are currently MEPs. Only one candidate has pledged to promote the issues.
*'''[[Parti Socialiste]]''' has 30 MEP candidates, 16 of whom are currently MEPs. Only one candidate has pledged to promote the issues.
*'''[[Union pour un Mouvement Populaire]]''' has 9 MEP candidates, 8 of whom are currently MEPs. None has pledged to act for change.<ref>Election Campaign, [http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin Down Your Candidate Now!], accessed 05 June 2009.</ref>
*'''[[Union pour un Mouvement Populaire]]''' has 9 MEP candidates, 8 of whom are currently MEPs. None has pledged to act for change.<ref>Election Campaign, [http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin Down Your Candidate Now!], accessed 05 June 2009.</ref>
*'''[[Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen]]''' has 15 MEP candidates. Thirteen candidates, including MEPs [[Gisela Kallenbach]], [[Hiltrud Breyer]], [[Michael Cramer]], [[Rebecca Harms]], and [[Heide Rühle]], have pledged to promote all four issues. Two MEPs [[Helga Trüpel]] and [[Elisabeth Schroedter]] have not pledged to act for change.
*'''[[Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands]]''' has 49 MEP candidates, twenty-six of whom are currently MEPs. None has so far pledged to act for change. Among the candidates are MEPs [[Elmar Brok]], [[Klaus-Heiner Lehne]], and [[Christoph Konrad]].
*'''[[Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V.]]''' has 9 MEP candidates, seven of whom are currently MEPs. Only MEP [[Markus Ferber]] has pledged to promote all the issues.
*'''[[Die Linke|The Left]]''' has 17 MEP candidates, two of whom are currently MEPs. Twelve candidates have pledged to promote all of the issues, including the two MEPs [[Gabriele Zimmer]] and [[Tobias Pflüger]].
*'''[[Free Democratic Party|Freie Demokratische Partei - Die Liberalen]]''' has 17 MEP candidates, seven of whom are currently MEPs. Only one of them has pledged to promote all four issues. MEP [[Jorgo Chatzimarkakis]] is one of the candidates who refused to pledge.
*'''[[Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands]]''' has 42 MEP candidates, sixteen of whom are currently MEPs. Four candidates have pledged to promote all the issues, two candidates have pledged to promote only 2 of the issues, while the MEP [[Evelyne Gebhardt]] has pledged to promote only one of the four issues.
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The [http://electioncampaign.eu Election Campaign] is a collaborative project by the [http://www.alter-eu.org Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation] (ALTER-EU), the [http://www.corporatejustice.org European Coalition for Corporate Justice] (ECCJ), the [http://www.s2bnetwork.org Seattle to Brussels Network] (S2B) and the [http://www.attac.org/spip.php?rubrique1 European Attac Network].</span>
The [http://electioncampaign.eu Election Campaign] is a collaborative project by the [http://www.alter-eu.org Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation] (ALTER-EU), the [http://www.corporatejustice.org European Coalition for Corporate Justice] (ECCJ), the [http://www.s2bnetwork.org Seattle to Brussels Network] (S2B) and the [http://www.attac.org/spip.php?rubrique1 European Attac Network].</span>
<!----------------------------------------------Pledge Status Update-------------------------->
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#e9ebff; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #97b8fc; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Pledge Status Update - German MEP Candidates</h2>
|style="color:#000; font-size:80%"|
'''[[Alliance '90/ The Greens]]:'''
From current MEPs, only [[Helga Trüpel]], [[Elisabeth Schroedter]], [[Hiltrud Breyer]], and [[Gisela Kallenbach]] have not pledged yet.
[http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin them down!]
'''[[Christian Democratic Union of Germany]] (''CDU''):'''
No MEP candidate from [[CDU]], MEP or non-MEP, has yet pledged to promote any of the issues. [http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin them all down!]
'''[[Christian Social Union in Bavaria]] (''CSU''):'''
Only the current MEP [[Markus Ferber]] has pledged so far.
[http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin the rest down!]
'''[[Die Linke|The Left]]:'''
The current MEPs [[Gabriele Zimmer]] and [[Tobias Pflüger]] have pledged to promote all four issues. There are five more MEP candidtaes who have not.
[http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin them down!]
'''[[Free Democratic Party]] - the Liberals:'''
Only the MEP candidate [[Kornelia Kimpfel]] so far has pledged to promote all four issues.
[http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin down the rest!]
[http://www.electioncampaign.eu/ Pin down your current MEPs who want to be re-elected]:
*[[Elmar Brok]] (''CDU'')
*[[Daniel Caspary]] (''CDU'')
*[[Ingeborg Grässle]] (''CDU'')
*[[Elisabeth Jeggle]] (''CDU'')
*[[Christoph Konrad]] (''CDU'')
*[[Klaus-Heiner Lehne]] (''CDU'')
*[[Andreas Schwab]] (''CDU'')
*[[Thomas Ulmer]] (''CDU'')
*[[Rainer Wieland]] (''CDU'')

Revision as of 15:27, 5 June 2009

Welcome to the MEPedia Portal on SpinProfiles

EU Insigna.png

Welcome to the MEPedia Portal on SpinProfiles. It profiles current Members of the European Parliament focusing in particular on issues of transparency, conflict of interest and the revolving door. An A-Z list of articles on both individuals and institutions is here.

The editors of the MEPedia Portal are William Dinan and Barçın Uluışık.

SpinProfiles has a policy of strict referencing and is overseen by a managing editor and a sysop and several Associate Portal editors.

Pledge Status Update on EP Elections




What is MEPedia?

EU Parlament.jpg

MEPedia is a resource for members of the public across Europe to find out basic information about selected MEPs, their financial and political interests, and their voting history and comments on issues related to transparency, accountability and conflicts of interest. We hope that these webpages will become a useful tool for European citizens to track the performance of their elected representatives in Brussels. At present this site is only available in English, but we hope, over time, to expand to include more languages, more profiles, and more issues.

European Parliament Elections 2009

European Parliament elections will take place from 04-07 June 2009.

Election Campaign

Election Campaign.jpg

The Election Campaign is a collaborative project that aims at increasing public effectiveness in the European Parliament. The campaign tool supplies information on MEP candidates' status considering the four areas of pledges prepared and presented to them. The issues covered are:

Lobbying transparency and ethics, demanded by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU):

  • to replace the current flawed lobbying register with a mandatory EU lobbying register that includes a list of all individual lobbyists, the legislative dossiers lobbied on and detailed information on the money spent on lobbying per client,
  • to ensure that the Parliament takes all necessary steps to ban conflicts of interest, including barring MEPs from working as lobbyists while in office,
  • to secure full transparency around Expert Groups and other groups advising the European Commission, and strong safeguards against privileged access and unbalanced composition of Expert Groups.

Reforming financial architecture, demanded by the European Attac Network:

  • to help develop legislation that obliges all corporations, including banks, to report on a country by country basis all their transactions and balance sheet figures, in order to increase transparency, curb tax avoidance and tax evasion and fight corruption,
  • to help develop legislation which introduces strong regulation over investment funds (in particular hedge funds and private equity funds) as well as the establishment of a supervisory body (that would for example ban speculation on food commodities and curb tax evasion),
  • to help introduce taxes on financial transactions and corporate profits to equilibrate income distribution and to support the financing of global public goods such as education, health and the ecological conversion of the economy.

Just EU trade policy, demanded by the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B):

  • to urge the Trade Commissioner and the President of the European Commission to immediately stop the implementation of the Global Europe strategy, including a moratorium on the conclusion of bilateral and regional free trade agreements,
  • to support a cross-committee investigation and stakeholder consultation process into the impacts of EU trade policies on development, social, environmental, human and women’s rights, in Europe as well as in third countries,
  • to sign a resolution in the European Parliament advising a stop to the WTO’s Doha Round and calling for democratic reform of the international trading system and its rules of the game,
  • to demand an international assessment of the responsibility of trade and financial liberalisation in the global financial and economic meltdown, the global food crisis and the climate crisis.

Corporate accountability, demanded by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ):

  • to support the development of a new legal framework for corporate accountability, which will hold companies operating in the EU and their directors legally responsible for the social and environmental consequences of their operations and those of their subsidiaries worldwide,
  • to support transparency by implementing mandatory environmental and social reporting with accurate, comparable and comprehensive information,
  • to support legal measures that allow victims of violations of human rights and environmental law by companies operating in the EU the possibility to go to a European court, even if the violation took place outside the EU.

The Election Campaign is a collaborative project by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU), the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ), the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) and the European Attac Network.


All pages associated with the MEPedia Portal are listed here.

There are also a number of distinct categories listed below:

  • MEP - Pages on MEPs
  • Conflicts of Interest - Pages on MEPs with conflicting interests
  • Political Parties - Pages on political parties that are represented in the European Parliament
  • Revolving Door - Pages on people who change have taken positions in both government and private corporations

Press Release: Friday, 08 May 2009

MEPedia goes Live!

What do MEPs actually do? Why should I care about what’s going on in Brussels? As the European elections loom, citizens across the EU are asking themselves these questions. MEPedia, launched today, in intended to help European electors to find some answers.

MEPedia is an online wiki database profiling the interests, performance and record of MEPs. It is available at http://www.mepedia.eu The database is intended as a resource for interested electors to find information about the interests and policy stances of MEPs. At present, MEPedia is heavily focused on issues of accountability and transparency, as we believe that these are fundamental to making EU politics more democratic and responsive to citizens needs. We have catalogued instances of potential conflicts of interest and we are building an overview of where MEPs stand on the critical questions of transparency and openness.

Over time the focus of the database will expand to cover other issues and track the voting performance of MEPs. Please take a moment to visit the website. – we’d be delighted to hear your comments and feedback. MEPedia is a collaborative project based on a vision of an informed and engaged European citizenry. If you would like to find out more or get involved contact the project coordinators through the MEPedia homepage.

Notes for Editors:

  • MEPedia is a project of Spinwatch, a public interest group monitoring spin, public relations and lobbying in contemporary politics.
  • MEPedia is participating in the civil society run Election Campaign 09 - http://www.electioncampaign.eu/
  • For more information about MEPedia please contact Will Dinan at will.dinan@spinprofiles.org or on 0044-7979-323348

How You Can Contribute

MEPedia depends on the help and contribution of volunteers across the European Union. This website is intended to be a resource not just for the public during European Parliamentary elections, but it is also meant to serve as an information portal that can help European citizens scrutinise the performance of their MEPs during the parliamentary term.

In order to achieve this we need help. If you can add any information that is relevant to the profiles of MEPs featured on this site then we would like to hear from you. MEPedia is unlike wikipedia, in that we currently restrict access to the database in an effort to ensure that pages are properly and fully referenced, and to guard against pages being corrupted or edited unfairly. If you have any information that you think would be suitable for inclusion on the MEPedia website then please contact the portal editors by email at barcin ‘at’ spinprofiles.org and will ‘at’ spinprofiles.org

We will keep this editorial policy under review. In time we hope to expand the number of contributors to this site, the languages MEPedia is published in and the range of issues that the pages focus on. Initially we are emphasising information relating to transparency and accountability, trade and environmental policy.

A Note on Translation

We have made our best efforts to translate honestly and accurately into English the information on these MEP profiles. If you notice any inaccuracy or errors in any of the pages of MEPedia please bring this to our attention. You can contact the portal editors by email at barcin.uluisik AT spinprofiles.org and will.dinan AT spinprofiles.org.

References and Resources

SpinProfiles History

SpinProfiles is a collaborative venture initiated by SpinWatch in collaboration with LobbyWatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers.

Contributors are now working on 19,251 articles.


SpinProfiles is an encyclopaedia of people, issues and groups shaping the public agenda. It is a project of the SpinWatch.


William Dinan: will.dinan AT spinprofiles.org
Barçın Uluışık: barcin.uluisik AT spinprofiles.org
Read the full disclaimer


  1. Election Campaign, Pin Down Your Candidate Now!, accessed 05 June 2009.