James Cameron

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Global warming.jpg This article is part of the Climate project of Spinwatch.

James Cameron is the non-executive Chairman and co-founder of Climate Change Capital. He is also Chairman of the Carbon Disclosure Project, Chairman of China Dialogue, a Board Member of the Worldwatch Institute, a treasurer of REEEP, a member of Oxfam's development board and a Senior Advisor to The Climate Group. He is a member of the board of GE Ecomagination, a member of the Copenhagen Climate Council, a member of the development board of the Smith School and a member of the World Economic Forum's Climate Council. [1]

According to Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation's Larry Lohmann, in his book "Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversion on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power";

James Cameron, a lawyer who helped negotiate the Kyoto Protocol, later became Vice Chairman of Climate Change Capital, a carbon-trading merchant bank. [2]




Website: http://www.climatechangecapital.com/about-us/people/james-cameron.aspx


  1. Climate Change Capital Board of Directors Accessed 22/01/10
  2. Larry Lohmann, development dialogue no 48, September 2006. "Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversion on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power" Accessed 22/01/10