Ian Christie

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Ian Christie is an Associate of Model Reasoning. His Biography from the Model reasoning website claims[1] :

Ian Christie has built his reputation as one of the UK's leading forecasters through his work in senior positions in both the Henley Centre and Demos - and currently in the Local Futures Group.

A series of books and articles as well as consultancy commissions in both the public and private sectors have confirmed his expertise in the fields of sustainable development, corporate responsibility and the knowledge economy. In the last few years, his client list has included BP, British Telecom, Swiss Re, Nat West, the BBC as well as a wide range of UK Government bodies including the Policy Unit at No. 10 Downing Street. He was retained as a consultant by the Association of London Government and the European Commission on The London Study - the future of the city, a massive analysis of London's social and economic future over the next twenty years. His ever-lengthening list of publications includes the second edition of his Managing Sustainable Development and To our mutual advantage : the future of mutual organisations (published in 1999 by Demos).

A gifted public speaker in three languages (English, German and French), Ian Christie was educated at the University of Oxford. He was a Senior Fellow at London's Policy Studies Institute before going on to become an Associate Director at the Henley Centre and Deputy Director of Demos in the late 1990's. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Trustee of the Environment Foundation.

It would be hard to exaggerate Ian Christie's contribution to high-quality, practical socio-economic analysis in the UK and Europe over the last decade. His commitment to the future success of Model Reasoning and its clients represents an inestimable commercial advantage for the whole organisation.


  1. Model Reasoning Website Ian Christie
