Valérie Hoffenberg

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Valérie Hoffenberg is a French politician, a supporter of Nicolas Sarkozy, who stood as a candidate for the Union for a Popular Movement in the June 2012 legislative elections, aiming to represent French citizens living in Israel - the first time that this had been part of the elections.[1] From 2003 to 2009 Hoffenburg was a Director of the neoconservative Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute.[2] [3]

American Jewish Committee

According to the Jerusalem Post: 'For years' Hoffenberg 'worked for the American Jewish Committee, rising to a senior positions in the Jewish-American advocacy group.'[4] Hoffenberg was appointed by the AJC as its representative in Paris in 2004 and ended her role on assuming the job of French Middle East representative in August 2009.[5][6]

French Middle-East Envoy

Hoffenberg was appointed 'France's Special Representative for the Economic, Cultural, Commercial, Educational, and Environmental Dimensions of the Middle East Peace Process' in August 2009.[6]

In September 2011 Hoffenberg, described by Haaretz as 'the outspoken' French foreign ministry special envoy to the Middle East, was 'summarily sacked over the weekend - because, she claims, of her opposition to the expected Palestinian unilateral declaration of statehood later this month. "I don't think this is a coincidence," the envoy told Haaretz when asked about the timing of her sacking, which she was shocked to learn about from a Foreign Ministry announcement on Friday. A day earlier, during a visit to Israel, at a meeting with Regional Development Minister Silvan Shalom, Hoffenberg said that while she did not know the official French position, she herself was "completely opposed to the unilateral declaration."'[7]


  1. Joseph Strich Israelis with French citizenship can now vote in that country's parliamentary elections Jerusalem Post June 4, 2012 Monday, Pg. 4
  2. JJRI About Us retrieved from the Internet Archive of 3 November 2004 on 8 June 2012
  3. JJRI About Us retrieved from the Internat Archive of 22 October 2009 on 8 June 2012
  4. Gil Shefler French nationals living in Israel to get their own representative in National Assembly. Valerie Hoffenberg, France's special envoy to the Middle East, is one of four Jewish candidates vying for new position 'Jerusalem Post May 23, 2011 Monday Pg. 7
  5. Targeted News Service 'AJC Names New Paris Representative' April 1, 2010 Thursday 5:41 AM EST
  6. 6.0 6.1 States News Service 'AJC'S HOFFENBERG APPOINTED TO KEY FRENCH POST FOR MIDEAST PEACE PROCESS' August 27, 2009 Thursday
  7. Danna Harman, French Mideast envoy fired for opposing Palestinian UN bid Haaretz, Sep.07, 2011 | 1:07 AM, accessed 8 June 2012