Scottish Investment Trust

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Based in Edinburgh, the Scottish Investment Trust (SIT) was established in 1887, to invest money on behalf of many thousands of people. It began by investing money in the emerging markets of North and South America, whilst also investing in the UK and its former colonies.

SIT is independently managed by its own team of fund managers.[1]



  • Francis Finlay joined the board in November 1996. He is chairman of the New York based international fund management firm Clay Finlay, which he co-founded in 1982 and a co-founder of SVG Capital. Previously he held senior investment management positions with Lazard Frères and Morgan Guaranty in Paris and New York. He is also a director of a number of international investment companies and charitable organisations.
  • Jim MacLeod was appointed to the board in September 2005. He was a partner in Ernst & Young and its predecessor firms for 25 years until his retirement in 1998. He specialised in corporate tax, particularly for investment trusts and insurance companies. He was a visiting professor at the University of Edinburgh until 2001. He is a director of British Assets Trust and INVESCO Perpetual AIM VCT. [2]



  1. Scottish Investment Trust Company History
  2. Scottish Investment Trust Company Directors