Manfred Rouhs

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Manfred Rouhs, Source:

Manfred Rouhs was, in 2011, federal chairman of the far-right anti-Islam German party Bürgerbewegung pro Deutschland.

In 2007, along with Markus Beisicht, Rouhs was described by Der Spiegel as one of the 'party chiefs' of Pro Köln[1], out of which Pro Deutschland and the Pro Bürgerbewegung network emerged.

He was formerly a member of the National Democratic Party (NDP).

According to research carried out by British group Hope Not Hate in 2011, Rouhs was also the publisher of the website[2]



  1. German far-right trying to gain support for "anti-Islam" party, Text of report by independent German news magazine Der Spiegel website on 31 December, [Report by Andrea Brandt and Guido Kleinhubert: "Playing With Fear; Cologne Radicals Want To Enter the Parliaments With the First 'Anti-Islam Party' - Constitutional Protection Officials Are Alarmed - And so Is the NPD"], BBC Monitoring Europe - Political, 31 December 2007.
  2. The Counterjihad Movement: the global trend feeding anti-Muslim hate, Hope Not Hate, 2011, p60.