Jewish Secondary Schools Movement

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The charity has one Trustee which is a company: The Trustees of the J. S. S. M.. The charity is also responsible for a range of toehr charities and companies including the schools overseen by the group as explained in the charities 2019 Annual Report.

The Movement is the umbrella organisation of the following constituent schools and fund raising charities, some of which are separate registered charities.
Level of Education Name
Nursery and primary Hasmonean Primary School, Hendon - state-aided
Secondary Hasmonean High School, Hendon – Academy (Girls' site and Boys' site)
Primary Beit Shvidler Primary School, Edgware - state-aided
The schools operate independently, each having its own board of governors. The directors appoint Foundation Governors to the Governing Bodies of each of the constituent Schools and liaise with the Governing Bodies with

regard to the running of the schools and in particular maintenance of the JSSM ethos. The Hasmonean High School is an Academy and has direct responsibility for the costs of the staff and other activities relating to the school.

The Jewish Secondary Schools Movement owns the land and buildings occupied by the schools. The charity is responsible for providing long term strategic advice to the schools. The school governors are responsible for the

day to day management of the schools.

d. Organisational structure
These financial statements incorporate the results of the following related charities:
Name Registered Charity Number
Hasmonean High School Charitable Trust 1068303
Hasmonean High School Building Trust Foundation 1007227
Beit Shvidler Primary School 1118619

See also
