International Freedom Educational Foundation

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The logo of the IFEF

The International Freedom Educational Foundation (formerly known as the International Freedom Education Foundation) is a Bethesda, Maryland based think tank (formerly based in Arlington, Virginia), created in 2004, with a mission to 'advance education, and to further other charitable and educational purposes, in the promotion of free markets, limited government under the rule of law and personal responsibility'.[1]

The IFEF first registered its website address on 13 October 2009. The registrant was Alejandro Chafuen who gave an address in Bethesda, Maryland.[2]

The IFEF is closely associated with the Atlas Foundation through membership and via three of its trustees who are also senior figures at atlas.



Amb. Curtin Winsor (2009-present) | Rene Scull (Since 2009) | Roger Ream (since 2004) | William Dennis (since 2004) | Alejandro A. Chafuen, President and founder (since 2004)[1]


Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9925 McLean, Virginia VA 22102
Phone: 571-379-1222
email: chafuen AT


  1. 1.0 1.1 IFEF About, accessed 26 August 2013
  2. WHOIS information for, screengrab created 24 August 2013