Futures and Options Association

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The Futures and Options Association (FOA) is the principal European association for the futures and options industry, representing its interests in the public and regulatory domain.


The FOA is reportedly involved in the intense lobbying by speculators to water down European Commission proposals that curb the activity of commodities traders. [1]

According to its website, the FOA 'seeks to sustain industry growth and enhance the integrity of markets and firms through the cycle of regulatory change. It works with members to maintain constructive dialogue with government and regulatory authorities and deliver high standards of industry practice.

It is 'principally concerned with financial and commodity exchange-traded derivatives markets'. However, it also addresses related issues arising in other markets (e.g. OTC markets) or issues that have a cross-sectoral impact. In such cases, it liaises, as appropriate, with other affected trade associations, primarily: FIA, AFME, BBA, ISDA and WMBA.

The FOA says it achieves its goals by:

  • engaging in regulatory lobbying and market liaison - dialogue with government, regulatory authorities, exchanges and others;
  • submitting formal position papers and responses to regulatory discussion and consultation papers;
  • facilitating an exchange of views and resolving issues between members and others through committees, forum meetings and member "ring-rounds"
  • engaging proactively with parliamentary groups in the UK and Brussels;
  • supporting and taking forward member issues via its helpline services;
  • issuing industry guidelines, publications and legal opinions;
  • maintaining documentation libraries;
  • holding events - IDX, City Debate, Power Trading Dinner, InfoNet and member seminars, workshops and "roundtables" [2]




Address: 2nd Floor, 36-38 Botolph Lane, London EC3R 8DE.
Tel. +44 (0)20 7929 0081
Fax. +44 (0)20 7621 0223
Website: http://www.foa.co.uk/


  1. City financiers plot to block reform of commodity markets, The Observer, 18 October 2011
  2. FOA About the FOA, acc 18 December 2011
  3. [FOA bolsters team in light of new regulations], The Trade News, 25 November 2011, acc 18 Dec 2011