Federatie Nederlandse Zionisten

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Federatie Nederlandse Zionisten is the Dutch affiliate of the World Zionist Organisation, one of the four Israeli National Institutions which form the backbone of the Zionist movement.


The Federation of Dutch Zionists) is the umbrella Zionist organisation that includes the following organisations: Arza-Nederland, Mizrachi, Poale Zion/Meretz, Likoed-Nederland, and the youth organizations: Bné Akiwa, Haboniem-Dror beHolland and Netzer-jong LJG Nederland. The FNZ was founded in 1992 as the successor of the Dutch Zionist Association (NZB) and is part of the World Zionist Organization. The WZO supports the FNZ with advice and finances.

Each organisation is represented within the federation by one or more board members (depending on the number of members of the organisation). Currently Arza-Nederland has the most board members followed by Mizrahi. All other organisations are represented by one board member, with the three youth movements together having one representative.[1]


  1. FNZ Wie zijn wij? Accessed from the Internet Archive of 31 January 2016. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator