Claire Dove

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Claire Dove sits on the board of Britain's Charity Commission.


From the Cabinet Office website announcing her appointment in May 2013 to the board of the Charity Commission:

Ms Dove is a leading social entrepreneur who has been involved in the development of the social enterprise sector for over 25 years. She was recently awarded the Queen’s Lifetime Achievement Medal for Promoting Enterprise. She is Chief Executive of the Blackburne House Group and Chair of Social Enterprise UK. Claire is a Deputy Lieutenant for Merseyside, a Fellow and governor of John Moores University, Vice Chair of Liverpool Community College and a business ambassador for the Northwest.[1][2]



  1. New board members appointed to Charity Commission, 22 May 2013, accessed 10 March 2014
  2. SEUK Chair, Claire Dove, appointed to Charity Commission Board Social Enterprise, accessed 26 November 2014