Barclay Thompson

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Gerald Barclay Thompson (born 15 February 1951) is a British businessman who founded the holographic products manufacturers AH Prismatic in the 1980s. [1] He was the Managing Director and co-owner of the right-wing media monitoring company Newswatch [2] until it was dissolved on 29 December 2008. [3]

Shortly after Newswatch was founded, Thompson was quoted by the Guardian's Roy Greenslade as saying: 'Today's media has enjoyed an easy ride, and thinks it can get away with murder. But, from now on, it will have to think twice.' [4]

Newswatch's predecessor Minotaur Media Tracking produced a number of reports for the Eurosceptic think-tank Global Britain and the Centre for Policy Studies. The great majority of these reports alleged a bias in favour of EU integration in the UK media (particularly the BBC) and several alleged a broader bias against right-wing politics and the Conservative Party.


  1. LinkedIn, Barclay Thompson [Accessed 14 January 2009]
  2. Screengrab of Barclay Thompson's CV. Taken from <> on 27 November 2009; Companies House, Newswatch UK Ltd Annual Returns, made up to 6 September 2008
  3. Companies House, Newswatch UK Ltd Company Filing History [Accessed 14 January 2009]
  4. Roy Greenslade, 'Media bias is in the eye of the beholder', Guardian Media Blog, 10 October 2007