Anne Applebaum
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Anne Applebaum (born 25 July 1964) is a neoconservative journalist and Pulitzer Prize -winning author who has written extensively about communism and the development of civil society in Eastern Europe and the USSR / Russia. As of 2006, she is a columnist and member of the editorial board of the Washington Post.[1]
Affiliations and connections
Further reading
- Anne Applebaum, Between East and West: Across the Borderlands of Europe, Pantheon Books, October, 1994, hardcover, ISBN 0-679-42150-5; another hardcover edition, Random House, 1995, ISBN 0-517-15906-6 Introduction online
- Anne Applebaum, Gulag: A History, Doubleday, April, 2003, hardcover, 677 pages, ISBN 0-7679-0056-1; trade paperback, Bantam Dell, 11 May, 2004, 736 pages, ISBN 1-4000-3409-4 Introduction online
Contact, References and Resources
- Blog:
- Neocon Europe Anne Applebaum
- 2005 Pulitzer Prize citation for Gulag: A History
- Opinions, Washington Post (free registration required)
- GULAG: Many Days, Many Lives, Online Exhibit, Center for History and New Media, George Mason University
- Gulag: Forced Labor Camps, Online Exhibition, Open Society Archives
- Map of Gulag
- Map of labour camps all over the USSR
- Virtual Gulag Museum
- New York Times article of June 11, 2003, "Camps of Terror, Often Overlooked", by Michael Mcfaul
- A Movie That Matters — Applebaum's review of Andrzej Wajda movie Katyń
- The Economics of Forced Labour: The Soviet Gulag (ed. by Paul Gregory, Valery Lazarev), Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2003
- The Gulag Collection: Paintings by Former Prisoner Nikolai Getman
- Gulag prisoners at work, 1936-1937 Photoalbum at NYPL Digital Gallery
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "Saving the Nation Is the Utmost Priority for the State" interview in Moscow News (Aug. 26, 2007)
- GULAG 113 - Canadian film about Estonians in the GULAG
- Gulag Collection of publications and photo about Gulag by IPV News (Russian). However, correctness of the site's contents is disputed (Russian). See discussion.
- Solovetsky camp
- THE GULAG Revelations from the Russian Archives at Library of Congress
- Gulag: A History (Doubleday, 2003), a review by Hans Sherrer for Justice:Denied magazine