Mia Bloom

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Terrorism badge.jpg This article is part of SpinWatch's Terrorism Experts project.

Mia Mellissa Bloom is an assistant professor in the School of International and Public Affairs at the University of Georgia in Athens. She has held research or teaching appointments at Princeton, Cornell, Harvard, and McGill Universities. Bloom has a PhD in political science from Columbia University, a Masters in Arab Studies from Georgetown University and a Bachelors from McGill University in Russian and Middle East Studies and speaks nine languages. She is a reviewer for the US Department of Homeland Security’s academic centers of excellence. She regularly appears on CNN, Fox News, CSPAN, NBC Nightly News, and has been interviewed by Jim Lehrer, Ted Koppel, and Jesse Pearson for MTV. [1]


Terrorism Research Initiative[2].


  • Mia Bloom, Dying to kill: the allure of suicide terror (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005)


  1. Dr. Mia Bloom (Accessed: 12 February 2008)
  2. About Us, Perspectives on Terrorism, Terrorism Research Initiative, Accessed 08-September-2009