General Electric

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Nuclear spin.png This article is part of the Nuclear Spin project of Spinwatch.


General Electric is the huge American products and services company (not to be confused withe the UK company known as GEC/The General Electric Company) that is involved in businesses ranging from aircraft engines, power generation, water processing and security technology to medical imaging, business and consumer financing, media content and advanced materials. [1]

Nukes Vital for Climate and Security of Supply

General Electric has been pushing the case for nuclear in the UK. In September 2004, Andrew White, chairman and chief executive officer of General Electric's global nuclear unit, said "It's vital for the UK to support nuclear energy. I don't see a good energy policy in the UK to meet Kyoto and secure supplies". [2]

Pro-Nuke Lobbying

According to an article in Sunday Business in January 2006 General Electric has "begun a lobbying campaign for its Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) design to be used in the UK's next generation of nuclear reactors. GE Nuclear chief executive Andy White told The Business he had discussed using GE's technology with UK nuclear company British Energy, Eon UK and EdF Energy, the two UK companies seen as the leaders of any potential new build. He also said he had met Prime Minister Tony Blair last year and briefed officials at the Department of Trade and Industry. [3]

PR, Lobbying and Business Intelligence Firms

In 2008, General Electric is listed as a client for Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO Ltd[4] and The Gorlin Group[5]

General Electric subsidiary Genworth Financial is reported to have hired lobbying firm Wheat Government Relations in 2007[6]


For further information, see relevant SourceWatch page General Electric An open-access powerpoint is available at [ GE-NY-Presbyterian Hospital Agreement.ppt].


  1. General Electric's Website
  2. Bloomberg, U.K. Needs Nuclear Power to Meet Demand, GE Says, 29 September, 2004.
  3. Richard Orange, "GE Seeking UK Nuclear Role", Sunday Business, 22 January, 2006; Not accessible online.
  4. AMV BBDO Clients Accessed 12th February 2008
  5. The Gorlin Group Clients Accessed 20th March 2008
  6. The Centre for Responsive Ethics Wheat Government Relations 2007 Accessed 11th March 2008