Global Water Intelligence

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Global Water Intelligence is a major analyst for the private water sector. Amongst its roles is to advocate for a proper price on water and water markets, cheerleading for Desalination (little attention is paid to the potential environmental degradation from desalination) and tracking Public Private Partnerships. In short, Global Water Intelligence provide market opportunity intelligence to investors, industry and anyone else intent on profiting from water.

Giving some clue to their goals they state 'We aim to do two things for our readers':

  • Tell you where your next dollar is coming from by tracking major water projects around the world from conception to contract award
  • Discuss with you the emerging trends in the industry to help you formulate strategy in a rapidly changing world

Moreover, they fully support and promote the notion that only the placing of a full economic value on water will address the current and impending water crisis, asserting 'At GWI, we are passionate about the value of water. If we can establish the economic worth of water, then everything else will follow. We will see investment in extending water services to the poor, and greater efforts to conserve water in those areas facing the crisis of scarcity' [1].

Seemingly innocuous, this assertion, common amongst such market cheerleaders, makes no attempt to explain or detail how the poorest will access water within such a system if they have no purchasing power.

Company History

According to Global Water Intelligence the magazine 'was launched in June 2000 by the CWC Group, with Peter Allison as editor. Initially it focused on the private water market, but Christopher Gasson’s Media Analytics Ltd acquired it in September 2002. In 2003 GWI launched Desalination Tracker, which, together with our 2004 Desalination Markets report, transformed the fortunes of the company'.

While 'In 2005 Media Analytics acquired two related publications: the IDA Worldwide Desalting Plant Inventory, and Water Desalination Report' [2].

Market Intelligence Reports

GWI market intelligence reports are in-depth and detailed outlining where, what and how profits can be made in water and water related businesses across the world. Consider the prices of these journals, ultra-expensive they offer a clue who these reports are being read by.

GWI Contend that:

'Our highly analytical, industry-focused reports are essential reading for those who need a clear understanding of the rapidly expanding global water industry. Our excellent global network of contacts means that we are ideally placed to provide you with unique insights into the latest developments in the international water and desalination sectors'.

They go on to say:

'The detailed monitoring and assessment of projects, companies and countries found in these reports give you an essential strategic planning resource. They enable you to assess your position against your competitors, while the forecasts lend support to future business planning and investment decisions. Each report is individually researched to give you datasets from which you can draw your own conclusions as well as an overview of the sector either in written or video documentary form'.

The list of reports are as follows:

Global Water Market 2008: Opportunities in Scarcity and Environmental Regulation Global Water Market 2008: Opportunities in Scarcity and Environmental Regulation

  • Published: 10th Sep 2007
  • Author: GWI
  • Price: £1400.00 / $2250.00

This best-selling market intelligence report is the ultimate guide to the water sector, enabling you to develop your global strategy for the next decade.

Water Technology Markets: Key opportunities and emerging trends Water Technology Markets: Key opportunities and emerging trends

  • Published: 29th May 2009
  • Author: Paul O'Callaghan and Sze Chai Kwok
  • Price: £1200.00 / $1920.00

As the most recent report from Global Water Intelligence, Water Technology Markets gives you an unique insight into the drivers of new, growth and existing technologies.

Water Market Middle East 2010 Water Market Middle East 2010

  • Published: 6th Mar 2009
  • Price: £1200.00 / $1920.00

A complete overview of the Middle East water market including country-by-country coverage, datasets and executive summaries.

Water Market USA Water Market USA

  • Published: 10th Nov 2008
  • Price: £1290.00 / $2000.00

Includes the most extensive list of up-coming water and wastewater projects ever created as well as a municipal finance budget analysis, water company profiles, a full market forecast and a video documentary giving insight into the key issues in the industry.

Water Market Australia Water Market Australia

  • Published: 12th Sep 2008
  • Author: GWI
  • Price: £700.00 / $1120.00

Water Market Australia will help you to understand how the market works at a state and local level, where the greatest needs are, and how to make it work for you.

Water Market India Water Market India

  • Published: 1st Jul 2008
  • Author: Global Water Intelligence
  • Price: £1000.00 / $1600.00

Rapid economic growth with limited water resources gives an explosive demand for improved water services - this report enables you to understand the Indian water market and how your company can benefit from it.

Water Market China 2009 Water Market China 2009

  • Published: 14th Mar 2008
  • Author: GWI
  • Price: £1000.00 / $1600.00

Water Market China gives you all the information you need to understand the Chinese water market and make sure that your company is in a good position to negotiate its complexities.

Water & Wastewater Utilities of the World Water & Wastewater Utilities of the World

  • Published: 1st Nov 2007
  • Author: GWI
  • Price: £1000.00 / $2000.00

A list of the 2,500 of the largest water and wastewater utilities in the world.

Desalination in China Desalination in China

  • Published: 1st Jan 2007
  • Author: Jensen & Blanc-Brude Ltd
  • Price: £2000.00 / $4000.00

100 pages of insider knowledge on desal in China.

Desalination Markets 2007: A Global Industry Forecast Desalination Markets 2007: A Global Industry Forecast

  • Published: 1st Dec 2006
  • Price: £995.00 / $1590.00

All the key national and regional data on the desalination industry.

Water Market Asia: Projects & Opportunities in the Water & Wastewater Sectors Water Market Asia: Projects & Opportunities in the Water & Wastewater Sectors

  • Published: 1st Mar 2006
  • ISBN: 0-9547705-6-0
  • Author: Jensen & Blanc-Brude Ltd
  • Price: £995.00 / $1590.00

Your passport to the world's most dynamic water market.

Water Market Europe: Opportunities in EU Accession, the Framework Directive & the CIS Water Market Europe: Opportunities in EU Accession, the Framework Directive & the CIS

  • Published: 15th Aug 2005
  • ISBN: 0-9547705-4-4
  • Author: GWI Editorial Team
  • Price: £995.00 / $1590.00

The size, structure and potential of the European Water Market.

Water Reuse Markets 2005-2015: A Global Assessment & Forecast Water Reuse Markets 2005-2015: A Global Assessment & Forecast

  • Published: 31st May 2005
  • ISBN: 0-9547705-3-6
  • Author: GWI Editorial Team
  • Price: £625.00 / $1000.00

Position your company to make the most of water re-use. IDA Yearbook

  • Published: 4th Sep 2008
  • Price: £250.00 / $400.00

This is an essential book for everyone involved in desalination and the most referenced guide to suppliers of desalination project. [3].


Global Water Intelligence are voracious organisers of conferences. After reading the titles and summaries of their conferences their intentions become clear pretty quickly. A clue is offered in the title of the website Water Meets Money.

Barcelona 2007

Where do water and money meet?

"The water industry is on the verge of major change. Investor interest in water infrastructure is higher than ever. At the same time, scarcity and growing environmental concerns are dramatically increasing the capital requirements of the sector. Can the two sides meet?

In Barcelona on 2 and 3 April, Global Water Intelligence is bringing together the key people from the international water and desal sector for a high level summit. Senior public officials from the most dynamic global water markets including China, India, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Libya and the United States will explain the challenges they face and how they are meeting them. From the other side will be the top executives from the private sector, including the new infrastructure funds buying into water and desal. It will be a crucial and fascinating dialogue, and we want you to be part of it.

You will meet the people and make the connections essential to your business in the coming years. With an agenda encompassing the most pressing issues in the global water industry today, and speakers drawn from the cutting edge, the ideas and information you take away will sharpen your global strategy going forward" [4].

London 2008

Water, Finance and Sustainability

"Global water scarcity is a crisis on the scale of global warming, but in many ways it is more pressing. It is happening now. Across the world from the California's San Joaquin delta, through the Mediterranean fringe and the plains of Central and Southern Asia to the coast of Northern China, the over exploitation of non-renewable water resources is scarring the environment, creating conflicts between communities, and sapping economic growth.

We need to pull this issue to the top of the political agenda in 2008, if we are to avoid catastrophe in subsequent years. Water, Finance and Sustainability 2008 in London this April aims to do just that by providing a blueprint for the future.

The solutions undoubtedly involve technologies such as desalination and water reuse, as well as better demand management, but how can we implement them in ways which are financially, socially and environmentally sustainable? We are bringing technologists, financiers, and environmentalists together with industry leaders from the public and private sectors to find the answers. It is the must-attend water event for all those who want to see a functional water economy develop in 2008" [5].


Blue, Green and Gold, The Future of Water, Finance and the Environment

"This is the time for water and money. In these days of uncertainty, the big blue offers a dependability which has disappeared from the rest of the economy. As climate change and population growth leads to an ever more desperate search for water resources, the appeal of water becomes inexorable. At the same time, water needs capital and the global financial crisis has affected the public and private sector alike. What does this mean for the industry, and what is the way ahead?

We will be coming together at the Marriott Hotel in Zurich on the 27th and 28th April 2009 to find solutions to this challenge, and the opportunities within it.

  • What new models are evolving for financing water projects?
  • How does the dependability of water make a difference in a world of volatility?
  • What is the role of desalination in the future of the water sector?
  • Can new technologies make the difference?
  • Where can we invest to make the most of the new situation?
  • Is it possible to pursue our water needs and protect the environment?
  • Blue, Green and Gold is your route map through the dangers, risk and potential of the new financial realities. It brings together the world of water: all the people you need to know in order to formulate a strategy in this climate of rapid change.

Sponsors for this event included Veolia, ACWA Power International and BEFESA.

All of these conferences included the presentation of the Global Water Awards. In Zurich they were presented by Al Gore [6].


Key figures


Global Water Intelligence is not simply a provider of news. As shown at the 2008 GWI Conference in London. There they launched the new initiative/lobby group the Sustainable Water Alliance, a clear indication that they are actively involved in lobbying for water policies conducive to their world view and financial interests.


Global Water Intelligence


  1. Global Water Intelligence About Us Accessed 20 May 2009
  2. Global Water Intelligence - About Us Accessed 20 May 2009
  3. Global Water Intelligence Market Intelligence Reports Accessed 20 May 2009
  4. GWI Conference Barcelona 2007 Accessed 22 May 2009 (Web Archive Wayback Machine)
  5. GWI Conference, London 2008 Accessed 22 May 2009 (Web Archive Wayback Machine)
  6. GWI Conference, Zurich 2009 Accessed 22 May 2009,(Web Archive Wayback Machine)