Huntsworth plc

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Huntsworth is the PR and marketing services group headed by Lord Chadlington (Peter Gummer), previously the founder of Shandwick (now Weber Shandwick Worldwide).


The company was transformed by the reverse takeover in 2005 of much larger marketing communications group Incepta, whose portfolio included PR and marketing services brands including Citigate and Dewe Rogerson. The enlarged group adopted the Huntsworth name and is run by the smaller company's senior management team. Incepta's portfolio of non-PR businesses was sold on to rival marketing group Media Square towards the end of 2005. Advertising Age ranked Incepta as the #12 ad organisation worldwide in 2004 with revenues of $280m. Source: [1]

Group board


Financial and Corporate Communications

Public Affairs

Public Relations



15-17 Huntsworth Mews, London NW1 6DD, or email:

External links

Jeremy Pepper, PR Face2Face: Lord Chadlington, Chief Executive, The Huntsworth Group. Tuesday, April 19, 2005 [2]