Renewable Energy Association

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"The Renewable Energy Association was established in 2001 to represent British renewable energy producers and promote the use of sustainable energy in the UK. The REA was called the Renewable Power Association until October 2005."

"The REA’s main objective is to secure the best legislative and regulatory framework for expanding renewable energy production in the UK. We undertake policy development and provide input to government departments, agencies, regulators, NGOs and others." [1]

Funding and finances



  • Philip Wolfe Executive director. Experienced in engineering and renewables industry. He led Lucas's solar business from the mid 70's and then negotiated their joint venture with BP, becoming the first Chief Executive of what is now BP Solar. He was Chairman and Chief Executive of Intersolar while it expanded its business from industrial systems engineering into product marketing and thin film solar cell manufacturing. From 1993 to 2002 the Group was the sole UK manufacturer of photovoltaic cells.

He has served on the Board of Directors of European and British renewable energy associations, and on bodies advising ministers, the European Commission and the British Government. [2]

  • Gaynor Hartnell deputy Director. Long term research fellow at Sussex University working on the impacts of environmental regulation on innovation in sectors as diverse as agrochemicals and ferrous foundries. Joined the British Wind Energy Association, as Technical and Policy Analyst, in 1995. Since then has run the Landfill Gas Assoc, which became the Biogas Association. She co-coordinated CREA(Confederation of Renewable Energy Associations) an umbrella group of RE trade associations. [3]
  • Clare Wenner Head of Transport Biouels. Long experience in Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Foods (MAFF) and food industry and trade lobbyist with GJW Government Relations (1984 to 1992). 1992 to 1996 Director of corporate Affairs with Geest PLC, major food and drink importers to UK. [4]
  • Paul Thompson Policy Analyst for Transport Biofuels.
  • Steph Merry Marine Renewables. Specialist in Hydrodynamics. Has worked for the Defence and Evaluation Research Agency (DERA), Haslar.[5]
  • David Collins REA's expert on anaerobic digestion.
  • Virginia Graham Chief Executive of the REAL Assurance Scheme. For six years to the end of 2005 Virginia was Director or Environmental and Social Affairs at Ofgem. Part of her remit was to administer Government Climate Change programmes including EEC, RO and CCL exemptions for renewables and CHP. With a background in politics and economics, Virginia has specialised in consumer, social and environmental policy for most of her career, working in both the UK and the EU. [6]
  • Gideon Richards REA Heat and Cooling Specialist.
  • Andrew Cooper Head of On-Site Renewables at the Renewable Energy Association. Green Party Councillor, fuel poverty issues advocate.[7]

Board Members

The Board comprises of nominees of member companies elected as described in the bye-laws.

  • David Fitzsimmons Cheif Exec of Novera Energy. Has had a long and extensive career at BP in senior management. He was the Chief Executive Officer at BP's International Oil Trading business, the President at BP Asia, and a Commercial Director responsible for BP's gas, power, and renewable business. He has held senior positions in all core businesses within BP. He has extensive experience at managing international energy businesses, having been the Head of BP's oil trading and the President of BP Asia. Mr. Fitzsimmons is a Member of Advisory Board at Braemar Energy Ventures through which he sits on boards with Petroleum and Alumina companies, and Investment banks. [8]

Directors nominated by sector groups:

  • Doug Ward CBE of Argent Energy, UK biodiesel plant. Biofuels advocate. Pushes for Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation through REA.
  • Martin Wright Managing Director of Marine Current Turbines. Martin has corporate finance skills and commercial experience spanning a wide breath of industries developed whilst working as a venture capitalist, and as a director of investee companies. In particular he is very familiar with the issues involved in early stage technology companies. Renewable Energy has been a particular interest for a number of years, and MCT represents the culmination of that interest. Martin is responsible for all the commercial and financial aspects the company, and is excited at the prospect of building MCT into a significant technology provider to the power generation industry. [10]




Contact details, Resources, Notes


  • Address:
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  • Fax:
  • Website:

External Resources


  1. "[1]", Renewable Energy Association homepage, About Us section. Accessed 5/02/09
  2. "[2]", Renewable Energy Association website people page, accessed 05/02/09
  3. "[3]", Renewable Energy Association website people page, accessed 05/02/09
  4. "[4]", Euro PA profiles CV on Clare Wenner, accessed 05/02/09
  5. "[5]", Renewable Energy Association website people page, accessed 05/02/09
  6. "[6]", Renewable Energy Association website people page, accessed 05/02/09
  7. "[7]", Renewable Energy Association website people page, accessed 05/02/09
  8. "[8]", Business Week, Companies and Executive Profiles. accessed 05/02/09
  9. "[9]", Biofuels Corp. Company page. accessed 05/02/09
  10. "[ ]", Marine turbines Board Members page. accessed 05/02/09
  11. Financial Times "The renewable energy sector goes mainstream; by Jonathan Johns", Financial Times, 20th August 2006. Accessed 05/02/09