Bell Pottinger Good Relations

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Good Relations is another Bell Pottinger Communications subsidiary of Chime Communications. David Hill, the former Labour Party Director of Communications from 1991-97 is a Director of Good Relations, which he joined shortly after the 1997 election. Between 1985 and 1993 Good relations was headed by Peter Bradley, who was became a Labour MP in the 1997 elections.

Dave Hill returned to the Labour Party HQ at Millbank on loan from Good Relations, as a senior Press Spokesman for the 2001 election campaign.

Nuclear Spinnners

Since 2003, Good Relations has been paid £375,000 by Nirex to provide "professional consultancy and support in the area of media relations and corporate communications."

[Ref: D. Wild (2005) Freedom of Information Request, Letter to Jean McSorley, Senior Advisor to Greenpeace UK, 15 July]


Good Relations clients include
