Powerbase:Getting involved

From Powerbase
Revision as of 16:38, 26 November 2008 by Lynn Hill (talk | contribs) (added help guide & jazzed up invite to join us)
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Template:SpinProfiles:Help SpinProfiles is an encyclopedia of spin, propaganda, think tanks, institutes and other organisations and individuals engaged in communicative activities.

SpinProfiles is by its nature a collaborative project which welcomes new contributers. In order to become involved you must first register in order to log in. This is a simple process and once you have done so you can contribute as much or as little as you want, at a time that suits you.

The site is based on a Wiki system, such as Wikipedia and Sourcewatch. These websites are open access Wikis, whereas Spinprofiles is a closed Wiki. This is to maintain some level of editorial control and to prevent acts of online vandalism: which is why it requires registration in order to contribute.

If you want more information on how Wikis work, go to the help page. The policy and guideline pages (click on the link below) also offers advice and assistance on how SpinProfiles works. A good place to start is with the contributing page.

If you have any queries or questions feel free to contact the SpinProfiles editor by emailing management AT spinprofiles.org.

***The SpinProfiles community is waiting to welcome you, we hope you can join us.***