Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue
Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue is a peak business association made up of high level corporate executives from the US and EU countries. TABD is a very effective and powerful player in US/EU policy discussions.
According to its website:
- The TABD’s goal is to help establish a barrier free transatlantic market which will serve as a catalyst for global trade liberalisation and prosperity. Unified markets are needed to create a business environment which will stimulate innovation and economic growth, more investment and create new jobs.[1]
Executive board: The TransAtlantic Business Dialogue in 2005=
Participating Companies
US Chairman
- Charles Prince Chief Executive Officer Citigroup
EU Chairman
- Niall Fitzgerald Chairman, Reuters Group Plc
The Executive Board Companies
AIG Bison Gear and Engineering Corporation The Coca-Cola Company Deloitte The Dow Chemical Company EDS Ernst & Young The Esteé Lauder Companies FedEx General Electric Merck and Co, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Tramco Inc. UPS Visa International AstraZeneca BASF British Airways BAT Deutsche Bank Ericsson KPMG International Lafarge Philips Renault Repsol SAP SEB Siemens Stora Enso Unilever
- Kathryn Hauser Executive Director, U.S. Office
- Andre Belelieu Assistant Director, U.S. Office
- Cliff Grantham Executive Director, Europe Office
- David Courtnage Assistant Director, Europe Office
Contact details
US Office
Phone: +1 202 775 3269
Fax: +1 202 775 3199
UK office
Phone +44 7801 038 455
External links
- Corporate Europe Observatory, "TABD in Troubled Water", October 2001.
- Corporate Europe Observatory, "TABD back on track", December 2001.
- Corporate Europe Observatory, "TABD takes up arms", May 2002.