GM Watch sends out daily, weekly or monthly email bulletins that give all the latest news and comment on GM foods and crops. GM Watch has a particular emphasis on exposing the lies and deception behind the global push for GM technology. Subscription to bulletins is free.
Greenpeace International Genetic Engineering Campaign
This website has details on the latest campaigns with easy and quick-to-do email actions to help keep our food supply free from GM contamination.
Friends of the Earth International
This is the place to find details on the latest FoE global campaigns and downloadable reports on GM food and crops.
Biosafety Information Centre
This website, run by the Third World Network, has information and downloadable briefing papers on biosafety problems with GM crops and foods worldwide.
Bioscience Resource Project
This is a user-friendly website with all the latest science stories on GM crops and food. Includes critiques of corporate 'junk' science, exposures of conflicts of interest, and news on the persecution of whistleblowers.
Ban GM Food
This campaign-oriented website is geared to Europe. It has details of how to take action and downloadable leaflets that people can print out at home and distribute. Emphasis is on scientifically accurate and well-referenced information that is not easily dismissed.
GM Contamination Register
Because no official body is keeping track of GM contamination events worldwide, GeneWatch UK and Greenpeace have stepped into the gap with this up-to-date register.
Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology
This group of scientists and medics campaigns for a ban on GM foods.
Will GM crops deliver benefits to farmers?
This is an informative web page on farmers' experiences and agronomic research on GM crops.
This website "offers a rigorous scientific critique of genetic engineering (GE) and genetically modified organisms, and more recently of agrofuels (biofuels), synthetic biology and other new technological applications".
ISIS – Institute of Science in Society
This is the place to go for science in the service of social and environmental sustainability. This website and the associated print magazine, Science in Society, frequently break news about new insights and developments that take years to become widely accepted knowledge. Readers often say that they read it here first.
Ban Terminator
Terminator Technology is a dangerous and extremely unpopular development in GM that makes GM crops produce sterile seeds. The biotech industry is promoting it as a means to control GM contamination, but opponents believe that sterility is not watertight and that 'suicide genes' could escape to other plants, potentially causing a catastrophe. This website has news about the research and worldwide campaigns against Terminator.
Jeffrey Smith, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods, Yes! Books,