Johnathan Galt

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Galt was also associated with the Islamic News website (formerly at which reportedly was a fake website set up to entrap alleged islamists. In September 2002 the website changed fundamentally, now containing the message Jehan is Crap! in big green letters on the homepage.[1]

Screengrab of the Islamic News website from September 2002 with the 'Jehad is Crap!' message, retrieved from the Internet Archive[2]

The message on the homepage was signed with the name Johnathan Galt and ended thus:

Israel belongs to the Jews - because Allah gave that land to them - why, because the Philistines won't act like decent human beings - and only decent humans deserve their own country. If the Philistines don't like it, they should just find somewhere else to live. Except no other country on earth wants to have them because they are not acting like decent human beings.
And Kashmir belongs to the Indians - for the same reasons.
So, Muslims everywhere, let's unite and end this jehadi madness, let's expose and stop the apparatus of terror that is being built up in the Mosques and websites of the U.S.A. and U.K. We especially need Arabic translators to join us because all the real jehadi sites are in Arabic. (Jehadis keep the real juicy stuff from the eyes of the kufir so they will stay ignorant).
Let's Roll,
- Johnathan Galt [3]



  1. Islamic News, 22 September 2002, accessed from the Internet Archive 15 July 2008
  2. Islamic News, 22 September 2002, accessed from the Internet Archive 15 July 2008
  3. Islamic News, 22 September 2002, accessed from the Internet Archive 15 July 2008