International Youth Foundation

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The International Youth Foundation also have specific National Partner Boards

Board of Directors

David Bell (Chair), Chairman of the Financial Times and serves on the board of Pearson plc, the British media conglomerate with global interests in information, education, and consumer publishing. As Director for People, he is responsible for all Pearson employees worldwide.

Maria Livanos Cattaui Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce. Previously, she was Managing Director of the World Economic Forum based in Geneva, Switzerland from 1990 to 1996.

Helio Mattar Founder and President of the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption in São Paulo, Brazil. He has held senior positions in all three sectors of society, including Vice Minister for National production in the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade; President GE Appliances in Brazil, founder of the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility, and former President of Abrinq Foundation.

Sten A. Åkestam Owner of Åkestam House Management Company, is past International President of Lions Clubs International and Chairman of Lions-Quest Sweden. He is a member of the board of the Swedish King's Foundation for young people in Sweden, chaired by King Carl Gustaf, and is former Chairman of the Swedish Business Federation.

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. She founded the Jordan River Foundation and heads the National Council for Family Affairs. She also serves as a member of UNICEF's Global Leadership Initiative.

Sari Baldauf Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Networks Business Group of Nokia Corporation. She is also a member of the Nokia Group Executive Board. In 2001, Ms.

Douglas L. Becker Becker is Chairman and CEO of Sylvan Learning Systems, a leading provider of higher education services worldwide. He is Chairman of Port Discovery—The Baltimore Children's Museum, and is a trustee or director of the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Enoch Pratt Free Library System, the University of Maryland Foundation and FIRST, the national high school robotics competition.

David W. Hornbeck President and CEO of IYF. He is the Founder and Chair of Good Schools Pennsylvania, Chairman of the Children’s Defense Fund, and chairs the Public Education Network. He is former Chairman of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and has been an advisor to the Business Roundtable and governments in many parts of the world. He has served as Superintendent of the Philadelphia Public Schools, and State Superintendent of Schools in Maryland.

Arnold Langbo Chairman and CEO of the Kellogg Company from 1992–1999. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Johnson & Johnson, the Whirlpool Corporation, and the Weyerhauser Company, and is on the Board of Albion College.

Rick Little CEO of the ImagineNations Group and founder of IYF where he served as President from 1990 through 2002. He is also Founder of Quest International where he served as President from 1975-1989. In 1996, he was chosen as a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum.

Penina Mlama Executive Director of the Forum of African Women Educationalists (FAWE), widely recognized across Africa for its leadership, especially in the field of girls’ education, with operations in more than thirty countries. A Tanzanian who now lives in Nairobi, Dr. Mlama was formerly Chief Academic Officer and Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

Richard F. Schubert Vice Chairman of the Leader to Leader Institute. He was President and Vice Chairman of Bethlehem Steel Company from 1979 to 1982. He has also served as U.S. Under Secretary of Labor and as President of the American Red Cross, and was the Founding President and CEO of the Points of Light Foundation.

Global Action Council

Martti Ahtisaari (Chair) The former President of Finland, Martti Ahtisaari has held a number of senior government posts and served as Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and as U.N. Special Representative to Namibia. He currently chairs the International Crisis Group and is Chair of the Balkan Children and Youth Foundation.

Vigdis Finnbógadottir President of Iceland from 1980 to 1996 and is the first elected female head of state. She is the Founding Chairperson of the Council of Women World Leaders at Harvard University, and founded the “Save the Children” Association in Iceland.

Enrique Iglesias President of the Inter-American Development Bank. He was Minister of External Relations for Uruguay from 1985 to 1988 and Executive Secretary of the U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean from 1972 to 1985.

Yuzaburo Mogi President and Chief Executive Officer of Kikkoman Corporation. Mr. Mogi serves as Vice Chair of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) and of the Japanese National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Janet Museveni First Lady of Uganda. She is founder of the Ugandan Women's Effort to Save Orphans and founder of the Uganda Youth Conference.

HM Queen Noor of Jordan Established the Noor Al Hussein Foundation and the National Task Force for Children. Queen Noor serves on a number of boards and international bodies and is Patron of the Landmine Survivors Network.

Shimon Peres Prime Minister of Israel in 1984; Prime Minister and Defense Minister from 1995-1996, and in 2001 he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister. Mr. Peres is founder of the Peace Research Institute.

Mary Robinson Director of the Ethical Globalization Initiative. The former President of Ireland (1990 to 1997), she served as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Mrs. Robinson was a member of the Irish Senate from 1969 to 1989, and serves on numerous boards, including the Vaccine Fund, and has been Honorary President of Oxfam since 2002.

Dr. Rita Süssmuth is a former member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) where she served as President from 1988 to 1998. She was Federal Minister for Youth, Family, Women, and Health from 1985 to 1988. Dr. Süssmuth is co-founder of the German Children and Youth Foundation and is a Board Member of the Balkan Children and Youth Foundation, both IYF Partners.


IYF and its Partner organizations are funded by following donors and co-funding Partners, Corporations and Corporate Foundations

Citigroup Foundation

GAP, Inc.

GE Foundation

The Goldman Sachs Foundation

Inditex, S.A.

Intel Foundation

Lucent Technologies Foundation

Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation


Nike, Inc.


The St.Paul Companies

Sylvan Learning Foundation

Unocal Corporation


Governments and Multi-Lateral Organizations

Finnish Foreign Ministry

Inter-American Development Bank

Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

United States Agency for International Development

The World Bank

Non-Governmental Organizations

Education Development Center, Inc.

Pan American Development Foundation

Family Health International
