Marko Attila Hoare
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Dr Marko Attila Hoare is a Senior Research Fellow at Kingston University London specialising in the history of South East Europe, in particular of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Bosnia-Hercegovina.
- Prior to his present post at Kingston University, Hoare was a Research Fellow at the Faculty of History of the University of Cambridge, a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, a war-crimes investigator at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and a research assistant at the Bosnian Institute in London. He is currently the Greater Europe Section Co-Director of the Henry Jackson Society, an independent think-tank promoting democratic geopolitics. He is an advisory editor of Democratiya: The Labour Friends of Iraq Review of Books, and a member of the editorial board of Spirit of Bosnia, an international, interdisciplinary, bilingual, online journal.[1]
- International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- Bosnian Institute
- Henry Jackson Society
- Democratiya
- Labour Friends of Iraq
- Spirit of Bosnia
- Euston Manifesto
- ↑ Dr Marko Attila Hoare - Kingston University London, accessed 17 April 2008.