Art McIvor Consulting

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Art McIvor Consulting is a PR and lobbying associated firm based in Edinburgh. It is run by Arthur McIvor, who also took over as Chief Executive of the Scottish Parliament Business Exchange in early 2008.

McIvor's firm was set up in 2006/7. He registered the website domain on 30 April 2006.[1] and the firms website in early 2007 stated that it was 'a unique corporate events consultancy’ 'Our USP' it continued 'is a commitment to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).' The company is said to Specialise in 'Authentic experiences' including

Meetings, incentives, conferences & events (MICE)
Exclusive hire venues
Customised events
Relationship objectives

'We provide you' says the site 'with the art of decadence allowing you to truly indulge your guests.'[2]

In April 2007 the latest event proposal was reported in the trade press:

His latest event proposal will take place in a venue with eco-friendly policies and will offer wooden cutlery and paper plates that can be burned when the barbeque is over. 'More tailored events work well as they concentrate on the profile of the company as well as its clients,' he adds. One of his clients, LMCC Golf Consultancy managing director Lora McCluskey, says: 'I think people are looking for more unique experiences, not the ones you can just buy off the shelf.'[3]

Yet by early 2008 the website had changed and was focused more on corporate influence than events. He homepage message atating the business was an events consultancy was gone to be replaced by a claim to 'improve your relationship management.' Among the advantages are said to be 'Client acquisition & retention rates, Team performance & retention rates, Suppliers discounts & services'. 'We can support you with our consultancy services' including a 'News service keeping you updated with new ideas and best practice' and a 'Support service Enhancing your relationship management strategies'[4] this sounds less like event management and a little more like part of the lobbying industry.



  2. [Art McIvor Consulting Homepage dated 19 March 2007, retrieved from the Internet Archive on 3 March 2008
  3. Because they're worth it, Marketing Event April 1, 2007 SECTION: CORPORATE HOSPITALITY; Pg. 33
  4. Art McIvor Consulting Homepage