Center for Global Development

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The Center for Global Development (CGD) was founded in 2001 and describes itself as 'an independent, not-for-profit think tank that works to reduce global poverty and inequality by encouraging policy change in the U.S. and other rich countries through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community'[1].

The Center works to influence not only the policies and practices of countries but also global institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization[2]. The Center is supported by a significant contributions from private foundations, international organizations, governments, corporations and individuals and has an annual operating budget of more than $6 million.


  • Alexander B Cummings is reported to have served the Center for Global Development's Commission on U.S. Policy toward Low-Income Poorly Performing States (LIPPS). Cummings has worked with the Coca Cola Company since 1997 and became the company's President and CEO (Africa Group) in 2001[3]

Funding and Sponsorship

In January 2008, the CGD list the following as their sponsors[4]...


  1. Center for Global Development About CGD Accessed 22nd January 2008
  2. Center for Global Development CGD Brochure Accessed 22nd January 2008
  3. Coca Cola Company Alexander S Cummings Accessed 22nd January 2008
  4. Center for Global Development Funders Accessed 22nd January 2008