Rand Europe
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The European branch of the Rand Corporation
RAND Europe Boards
RAND Europe Board of Directors
- James A. Thomson (Chairman)President and CEO, RAND Corporation United States
- Jonathan Grant President RAND Europe United Kingdom
- Floris A. Maljers Chairman (Ret.) Unilever N.V. the Netherlands
- Maarten C. van Veen Chairman (Ret.) Hoogovens the Netherlands
- L.C. van Wachem Chairman of the Board of Directors of Global Crossing Ltd. The Netherlands
- Ann McLaughlin Korologos Chairman RAND Corporation American Embassy 2 Rue Zinner B-1000 Brussels Belgium
RAND Europe Advisory Board
- Robin Renwick of Clifton (Chairman) Chairman J. P. Morgan plc. United Kingdom
- Jan K. Bielecki President Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. Poland
- Olivier DebouzyPartner August & Debouzy France
- Thérèse DelpechDirector Atomic Energy Commission France
- Jacques H. Schraven Chairman Federation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) the Netherlands
- Karsten D. VoigtCoordinator for German-American Cooperation Foreign Office Germany
- Matti Vuoria Executive Vice President Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company Finland
- Jacques H. Wahl Director, Senior Advisor, and Member of the Managing Board Banque Nationale de Paris Paribas France
- H.C. Werner Weidenfeld Professor of Political Science Geschwister-Scholl-Institute Ludwig-Maximilians-University Germany Director of the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) Germany
- Prof. Ir. J. (Jan) Oosterveld Professor IESE Business School Barcelona Spain
RAND Europe Board of Trustees (UK)
- James A. Thomson (Chairman), President and CEO, RAND Corporation, United States
- Sir John Boyd Retired Master, Churchill College Cambridge University United Kingdom
- Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman Professor of War Studies and Vice Principal (Research) King's College London United Kingdom
- Jonathan Grant President, RAND Europe, United Kingdom
- Philip Lader Chairman, The WPP Group, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James, United Kingdom
- Lord Renwick of Clifton, Vice Chairman, Investment Banking, JP Morgan Europe, United Kingdom [1]
- ↑ RAND Europe, RAND Europe Boards