William Gutteridge

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Gutteridge is a former professor of international studies at Aston University and was the director of the now defunct Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism.

Despite the lack of predictive power in his utterances (in 1998 he stated that I would have thought the threat in mainland Britain would be drastically reduced [1])his pronouncements and speculation are regularly used in the press such as this example:

"The attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were acts of war and the United States could take reprisals against the bombers under international law without approval of the United Nations, terrorism experts said Friday. If the Americans find Iraqi connections, that could lift the lid right off, said William Gutteridge, director of the Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism in England. If this were the case, I would not be surprised if there were a direct action against Saddam Hussein. Although a Middle East link has not been established, experts said this was a possibility given the close historical Arab links with East Africa."[2]



  • Armed forces in new states (Institute of Race Relations. Paperbacks) by William Gutteridge (Unknown Binding - 1962)
  • 1971 Aug Conflict Studies No 15: 'The coming confrontation in southern Africa' by W Gutteridge.[3]
  • Military Regimes in Africa (Study in African History) by William Gutteridge (Paperback - 10 April 1975)
  • The Dangers of New Weapon Systems by William R. Gutteridge and Trevor Taylor (Hardcover - Nov 1983)
  • William Gutteridge (ed.) “The New. Terrorism”, (London: Mansell Publishing, 1986)
  • Contemporary Terrorism (Paperback) by William Gutteridge (Editor) Facts on File (August 1987) ISBN-10: 0816017875
  • South Africa: From Apartheid to National Unity, 1981-94 (Research Institute for the Study of Conflict & Terrorism) by William Gutteridge (Hardcover - 9 Feb 1995)
  • Gutteridge, William Frank, 1919- South Africa : potential of Mbeki's presidency / William Gutteridge. Leamington Spa, Warwickshire [England] : Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism, c1999. Series title: Conflict studies ; no. 319/320.
  • Violence in Southern Africa (Terrorism & Political Violence) (Paperback) by William Gutteridge (Editor), J.E. Spence (Editor) Paperback: 184 pages Publisher: Frank Cass Publishers (30 Jun 1997)
  • Latin America and the Caribbean: Prospects for Democracy (Research Institute for the Study of Conflict & Terrorism) (Hardcover) by William Gutteridge (Editor, Introduction) Hardcover: 335 pages Publisher: Ashgate (4 Jul 1997)

Resources and Notes


  1. Tom Buerkle (1998) City of London, an IRA Target, Starts to Relax, International Herald Tribune, June 1.
  2. Barry James (1998) Attacks an Act of War, Allowing U.S. Reprisal, International Herald Tribune, August 8.
  3. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/lhcma/cats/menaul/mn0705.htm