International Corporate Governance Network

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About the Network

According to its own account:

The International Corporate Governance Network ('ICGN') is an unincorporated, not-for-profit association under the laws of England and Wales. It has four primary purposes:

to provide an investor-led network for the exchange of views and information about corporate governance issues internationally;
to examine corporate governance principles and practices; and
to develop and encourage adherence to corporate governance standards and guidelines;
to generally promote good corporate governance.

Membership of ICGN is open to those who are committed to the development of good corporate governance. The Membership section explains the benefits of membership, the different types of membership and how to join the Network.

ICGN members are estimated to hold assets exceeding $10 trillion.


Board of Governors

The current Board was elected at the ICGN's Annual General Assembly held at the Guildhall, London on 8 July 2005.


  • Mr Christian Strenger, Company Director and Government Adviser, DWS Investment GmbH (Germany)

Board Members

The website was developed by Jeremy Miller