Revolver Communications PRCA Yearbook 2004

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Revolver Communications



32-35 Featherstone Street
London EClY 8QX
Telephone: 0207251 5599
Fax: 02072516151

Quality Assessment Achieved

  • Consultancy Management Standard

Business Commenced




Range of Services

Revolver is a consumer agency where brilliant people thrive, continually defy convention and breathe life into brands. We combine hard hitting media relations with innovative guerrilla marketing, viral, ambient, event and sponsorship work We’re mostly known for our creativity, but at the heart of our approach is the belief that we’re here to help flog stuff.. isn’t that what PR should do? Projects in 2003-04 have included generating coverage for Chupa Chups new sugar-free lollipop, Cremosa, in over sixty national, women’s and health media; creating a spoof ‘Russian Brides’ viral game for Stolichnaya that achieved 140,000 plays; coming up with a Rugby World Cup celebration flavour for McCoy’s (‘Wallaby & Stuffing’ - the company ended up producing 70,000 packs for sampling at Twickenham) and running guerrilla campaigns for Rocket that boosted sales at outlets by an average of 880/0. To demonstrate our commitment to measurability and evaluation, we ye developed our ‘Meerkat Account Management System’- a qualitative and quantitative technique that’s been appreciated by marketers, in-house PRs, Purchasing Managers and board members alike. Past experience includes thirty-five beer and spirit brands, three computer games companies, four leisure brands, two car manufacturers, two telecoms companies and five newspapers, TV and radio stations.

Fee Income

£700,001 - 750,000

Current Clients

* = client retained for more than three years
** = client retained for more than five years

Ad Hoc Clients

Partners / Directors

Holders of Public Office


Parent or Principal Company


Subsidiary Companies


Associate Companies


Overseas Owned Offices Within


International Affiliates Within


Other Addresses