Scottish Beer and Pub Association

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The Scottish Beer and Pub Association (SBPA) is a trade association of brewers and large pub companies comprising 1500 of Scotland's 5200 public houses. It's parent group is now the British Beer and Pub Association. The Scottish organisation was established in 1906 as The Brewers Association of Scotland. The main aim of the Association is 'to contribute to the economic and social wellbeing of Scotland through employment, investment and training' [1] The Scottish Beer and Pub Association are signatories to an agreement between the Scottish Executive and the alcohol industry: Partnership Agreement: Scottish Executive and the Alcohol Industry.


The SBPA are behind several campaigns to influence the policy process when their interests are threatened. They claimed victory in 2005 when the Scottish Parliament agreed to remove Paul Martin MSP's "recouping amendment" section from the Licensing (Scotland) Bill. Martin proposed charging the licensed trade for increased public services, such as policing, which businesses through the sale of alcohol had contributed to.

Another 'success story' for the SBPA was when it was fundamental in the launch of legal action in pursuit of a judicial review of Glasgow Licensing Board's decision to enforce pubs and clubs to use either plastic or toughened glass. The measure was intended to clamp down on glass related violence in the city. Before the SBPA managed to state their case in court the measure was diluted and applied only to bars and night clubs serving alcohol after midnight.

Whether or not these campaigns have a significant impact on policy makers is difficult to measure. The SBPA clearly believes it does as detailed instructions of how to lobby elected representitives and just what to say accounts for a large proportion of their web site. Including the name and contact details of Gordon Macdarmid the head of Glasgow Licensing Board, and leader of City of Glasgow Council, Stephen Purcell. Details of how to find out who your elected representatives are and how you contact them are all there too, it really is quite a comprehensive guide for the amateur lobbyist. [2]

Member Companies


  1. ^ SBPA Web Site About Us Accessed March 2007
  2. ^ SBPA Web Site Campaigns Accessed March 2007