Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Trust

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Recipients of funding


Abraham Fund Initiatives | aChord: Social Psychology for Social Change | Adam Teva v'Din | Adva Centre | AJEEC-NISPED | Alfred Adler Institute | AntiTrafficking & Labour Exploitation Unit | ANU - Making Change | ASAP (Asylum Support Appeals Project) | ASSAF Aid Organisation for Refugees and Asylum Seekers | ASSIST Sheffield | Association for Civil Rights in Israel | Association of Rape Crisis Centres in Israel | B'Tselem | Beit Hagalgalim | Beit Issie Shapiro | Bizchut -The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities | Bloody Good Period | Body & Soul | Breaking Barriers | Cicely Saunders International | Collective Impact | Community Security Trust | Counterpoints Arts | Cystic Fibrosis Trust | DEMAND | Designability | Difficult Conversations | Elem - Youth in Distress | Elizabeth Gregory Home | Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group | Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit | Green Course - Students for the Environment | Harborview Medical Centre | Heschel Center for Sustainability | Hope Not Hate Charitable Trust | Hospice UK | Hotline for Refugees and Migrants | In Between | Israel Elwyn | Israel Sport Centre for the Disabled (ISCD) | Israeli Green Building Council | Jewish Association for the Mentally Ill | Jewish Deaf Association | Jewish Women's Aid | Kav LaOved | Langdon Foundation | Life and Environment Chaim v'sviva | Machsom Watch | Mesila | Minerva Centre for Human Rights | Missing People | Mosaic Clubhouse | Movement for Freedom of Information | MSR | NACCOM | National Council for the Child | Nazareth Nurseries Institute - Al-Tufula Center | Netanya Foundation | New Horizon Youth Centre | New Israel Fund | New London Synagogue (NLS Asylum drop-in) | New North London Synagogue Destitute Asylum Seekers' Drop-in Project | Nightingale Hammerson | Norwood | Physicians for Human Rights - Israel | Place2Be | Public Transport Consumers Union | Redthread Youth Ltd | Redthread Youth Ltd | Refugee Council | Refugee Women Connect | School Home Support | Sheffield Hallam University | Sikkuy: The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality | South London Refugee Association | St Luke's (Cheshire) Hospice | St Luke's Hospice (Harrow and Brent) | St Mungo's | Standing Together | Student Action for Refugees (STAR) | Summit Institute | Tel Aviv University Trust | Tender Education & Arts | The Boys Clubhouse | The Mix | The Natural Step | Together for Short Lives | Transport Today and Tomorrow | University of Cambridge | University of Sussex | Urban Clinic Hebrew University | Wintercomfort for the Homeless | Women Against Violence (WAV) | Women's Spirit | Yedid - Tel Mond books and scholarships | Yedid - The Association for Community Empowerment | Yeladim Besikkuy | Yesh Din | Young Minds | Youth at risk



Judith Carmel Sebba (01 September 2018) | Katherine Ann Evans (20 June 2022) | Katie Waring (20 June 2022) | Ronit Zmany Armoni (01 December 2019) | Brian Laurence Parkinson (01 January 2019) | Tali Emodi (01 November 2018) | Tamsin Doyle (01 March 2015) | Odelia Sebba (01 February 2012) | Yoav Tangir (01 June 2010)

See also
