Alber and Geiger

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Alber & Geiger was formed in April, 2007, when it was reported that "A team of lawyers has quit lobbyists Cassidy & Associates Europe to set up its own law firm in Brussels. Former Advocate General of the European Court of Justice Siegbert Alber and former CEO of Cassidy in Brussels Andreas Geiger set up Alber & Geiger, a specialist government lobbying law firm in the Belgian capital last month. Founding partner Geiger said: 'We're the first lobbying-focused law firm in Europe and we're following the lobbying law model from Washington [DC]. It wasn't possible for us to have this set-up under the umbrella of Interpublic, which owns Cassidy & Associates." [1]


The firm notes that it has expertise in the area of Agribusiness. In particular it claims that it uses former politicians to push clients interests:

We have a network of former senior European politicians to provide decision making bodies with the necessary information to help our clients to implement their objectives.[2]

The network would seem to include Lord Charles Henry Plumb a member of the House of Lords and a former MEP and food industry lobbyist. This points up the corrupting nature of lobbying relationships as Plumb faces a conflict of interest in holding a post in the Lords and acting as a lobbyist. It is not clear who else is in the 'network' of former politicians.




  1. ^ Julia Berris, "Cassidy splits to form Brussels lobby firm", The, April 16, 2007.
  2. ^ Alber and Geiger, Practice areas, Agribusiness]. Accessed 1 July 2007.