Marcus Pretzell

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Marcus Pretzell is an MEP for the far-right anti-refugee AfD party.


Calling for the use of 'armed forced' against refugees

In April 2016, Pretzell called for German border guards to use 'armed force' against asylum seekers.

The comments led to him being expelled from the European Conservatives and Reformists faction of the European Parliament. After his dismissal, he joined the Europe of Nations and Freedom faction, chaired by Marine Le Pen.[1]

Berlin attack tweet

On December 19 2016, Pretzell blamed Chancellor Angela Merkel for a lorry which crashed into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing nine people and injuring dozens of others. He tweeted: 'When will the German rule of law strike back? When will this cursed hypocrisy end? It is Merkel's dead!'. The message was sent just minutes after the apparent attack, when no information had been yet received concerning the identity of the perpetrators. [1]

Personal Life

He is in a romantic relationship with co-leader of AfD Frauke Petry.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Will Worley, German anti-refugee MEP blames Angela Merkel for Berlin attack: 'Those are her dead!', The Independent, 19 December 2016. Accessed 21 December 2016