Résistance Républicaine

Résistance Républicaine, created and led by Christine Tasin since 2010, is one of the two most prominent counterjihad groups in France, according to the self-defining counterjihad blog Gates of Vienna. The other is Riposte Laïque, a group with which it collaborates closely.[1] The leaders of the two movements are life partners.
In 2010 the organisation, along with Riposte Laïque, planned an "apéro saucisson-pinard" (a 'sausage-and-wine appetizer') in an ethnically diverse borough of Paris. the leader Christine Tasin justified it by stating she was 'reclaiming a street that was taken illegally' from the 'French people'. She clearly wanted to shock the Muslim population living there, as it is not within their general practice to eat porc or to drink alcohol. Moreover, she claimed this action was a symbolic defense against the 'Islamic offensive'. The event changed location to the Champs Elysées at the last minute, with around 800 people attending. [2] [3]
Résistance Républicaine, Bloc Identitaire and Riposte Laïque organised a joint demonstration on March 9th 2014. The demonstration took place with around 500 people in the streets of Paris, demanding a Swiss-style referendum on immigration, in order to stop the 'islamisation of France'. Among the participants were Tasin, Pierre Cassen and the writer Renaud Camus. [4]
On June 17th 2016 in Paris, Tasin represented her movement at a rally organized by a monarchist party, the Souveraineté Liberté Et Identité (SIEL), in honour of the two policemen who had been murdered in Magnanville. In her speech, she asked that her followers take up their 'swiss knifes and teargas' to defend themselves against 'Muslim proselytes'. Tasin spoke of the 'threat of islamisation', a theory called Eurabia and developed by Bat Ye'or. She ended by saying 'I invite you to go home chanting 'Murderous Islam'! '. [5]
Inspired by the PEGIDA protests seen in Germany, the group called for anti-'Islamisation' rallies in France on 18 January 2015, under the slogan 'Islamists get out of France', along with Riposte Laïque. Leaders from Germany, Italy and Switzerland were invited to the demonstration.[6]
- Christine Tasin - president[7]
- ↑ Baron Bodissey, Refusing the Islamization of France, 1 January 2015, accessed 4 January 2015
- ↑ Catherine Coroller , 'CHRISTINE TASIN. Ex-prof de lettres classiques, cette «laïque de gauche» a organisé l’apéro saucisson-pinard. Au côté de l’extrême droite.', Libération, 2 March 2011, accessed 16 September 2016.
- ↑ Zineb Dryef, Riposte laïque : qui sont les organisateurs de l'apéro-pinard?', Rue89, 19 June 2010. Accessed 16 September 2016.
- ↑ 'Une manifestation contre "l'islamisation" de France', L'Express, 09 March 2014. Accessed 16 September 2016.
- ↑ I. Emmanuel 'L’islamophobie décomplexée de Christine Tassin sous le slogan « ISLAM ASSASSIN ! »', Mediapart, 22 June 2016. Accessed 16 September 2016.
- ↑ Will anti-Islam protests take off in France?, The Local, 6 January 2015
- ↑ Hope Not Hate, Riposte Laïque, Counterjihad Report: France, accessed 3 February 2015