Bloomberg Tradebook Europe Ltd

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Bloomberg Tradebook Europe is a financial information company, founded by Michael Bloomberg in 1996. [1]

Glenn Lesko is the current CEO and President of the company.

It specialises in providing anonymous direct market access (DMA) and algorithmic trading to over 43 countries.

Britain stronger in Europe donor

Bloomberg was a sizeable contributor to the lead remain campaign Britain Stronger in Europe, which is said to reflect Mr Bloombergs fear that Britain's financial services could suffer in the result of a Brexit vote. The company recently relocated its European headquarters to London. [2]



  1. 'About Bloomberge Tradebook', Bloomberg Tradebook, accessed 25 May 2016
  2. Sarah Gordon, Harriet Agnew, 'Brexit campaigners out-fundraise their Remain rivals', 11 May 2016, Financial Times, accessed 18 May 2016
  3. Electoral Commission, Grassroots Out Donor Search, accessed 12 May 2016