Guto Harri

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Guto Harri (born 8 July 1966) is director of communications at News International and a former BBC chief political correspondent. He was previously director of communications for the mayor of London Boris Johnson's administration at London City Hall from May 2008 until May 2012.


Harri also spent a short stint in early 2008 working for London PR and lobbying agency Fleishman-Hillard as a senior policy adviser, spending four weeks as an adviser to Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. [1]

In November 2015 Harri announced he would step down in December as director of corporate and public affairs at News UK, saying his 'job was now done' repairing the company's damaged reputation after the phone hacking scandal.[2]


  1. Daily Mail, Boris Johnson signs BBC journalist Guto Harri as his chief spin doctor, 9 May 2008. Acc 12 July 2013.
  2. Mark Sweeney 'News UK PR Chief Guto Harri to leave after three years', The Guardian, 10.11.15, accessed 11 November 2015