George Galloway

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George Galloway

George Galloway is the former Respect member of parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow constituency,[1]. Galloway has been a target of neoconservative networks, now the MP for Bradford West.

Galloway won a libel action against the Daily Telegraph (part of the Hollinger International group).

Outside earnings

In 2014 The Guardian listed Galloway as the MP with the third greatest outside earnings. Galloway registered media work between April 2013 and November 2014 with payments totalling £303,350 [2] Galloway earnt a considerable amount of this from Associated Press,for four television programmes a month for Russia Today, from Al-Mayadeen TV, Beirut, for presenting two television programmes per month and from LBP TV who pay him for a weekly news show for Press TV. [3]


Sourcewatch George Galloway


  1. George Galloway, George Galloway Official Website, Accessed 26-May-2009
  2. Tom Moseley What MPs do as second jobs BBC News, 25 February 2015, accessed 18 March 2015
  3. The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1 As at 9th March 2015, accessed 18 March 2015