Crispin Blunt

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Crispin Blunt

Crispin Blunt is the Conservative MP for Reigate. He was first elected in 1997 and in 2010 he was re-elected with a majority of 13,591. [1]

Parliamentary Career

  • Parliamentary under-secretary (Ministry of Justice) (Prisons and Probation) - 2010-12
  • Shadow minister (home affairs) - 2009-10
  • Opposition whip (Commons) - 2004-09
  • Shadow minister (Business, Innovation and Skills) - 2002-03
  • Shadow spokesperson (Northern Ireland) - 2001-02 [2]

'Wealthy Tory MP skipped Commons for free Middle East trip and returned with £25k job'

Blunt is one of the highest earning MP's from roles that he takes on outside of his parliamentary job. In March 2015 Blunt landed himself a £1,250-a-day second job as an adviser to the Jordanian family- owned financial conglomerate Kamal Exchange Co. (KEC).The role with KEC is Mr Blunt¹s third job. He earns £4,000 a year as a non-executive director with the Derbyshire-based Social Investment Business Group. [3]


  1. Crispin Crispin Blunt MP, accessed 18 March 2015
  2. Crispin Blunt MP, accessed 18 March 2015
  3. Jack Blanchard Wealthy Tory MP skipped Commons for free Middle East trip and returned with £25k job Mirror, 5 March 2015, accessed 16 March 2015