Reed Elsevier

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Reed Elsevier' is a publisher and information provider operating in the science, medical, legal, risk and business sectors. It is listed on several of the world's major stock exchanges. It is a FTSE 100 and FT Global 500 company. The Reed Elsevier group is a dual-listed company consisting of Reed Elsevier PLC and Reed Elsevier NV.[1]


Lobbying firms

EU Lobbying

Reed Elsevier have 2 lobbyists with European Parliament passes, allowing the bearer virtually unlimited access to the Parliament's buildings.[3]


  1. Reed-Elsevier corporate structure
  2. Agency Register September to November 2014 PRCA, accessed 29 January 2015
  3. Companies declaring the most lobbyists Lobby Facts, 26 January 2015, accessed 3 February 2015