Anne Marie Waters

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Anne Marie Walters is a former Labour Party member who switched to the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and was briefly a UKIP parliamentary candidate.

She is also the spokesperson of Sharia Watch UK.


Waters was formerly a Labour Party member and was nearly selected as a parliamentary candidate. For several years she worked for One Law For All.

After failing to be selected as a Labour candidate she joined UKIP and was briefly its candidate for Basildon and Billericay, between approximately July 2014 and October 2014[1]when she appears to have been de-selected. Around this time she left, or was asked to leave One Law For All which subsequently condemned her right-wards lurch.


=Sharia Watch UK

Waters founded Sharia Watch UK in April 2014. Its launch event took place in the House of Lords, hosted by Baroness Cox, a peer who has previously invited far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders to show his anti-Islam film Fitna in the Lords. Charlie Klendjian of the Lawyers Secular Society also spoke.[2]






  1. Why I am proud to stand for UKIP, personal website, July 2014, acc Nov 2014
  2. Sharia Watch UK and the Metamorphosis of Anne Marie Waters, Institute of Race Relations, 21 January 2015