Rusi Journal

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The Rusi Journal was founded in 1857, resulting in it being the oldest publication of its kind in the world. It is considered by practitioners and scholars alike to be 'essential reading for anyone seeking to understand war and conflict, British and international defence and security policies, and military history.' [1]

The Journal is published by the think tank Royal United Services Institute which is engaged in cutting edge defence and security research. [2]

The Journal is published six times a year.

The Journal which was formerly known as the Royal United Services Institution Journal up until 1971, was given its new name The Rusi Journal in 1972. [3]


Circa 2014


Assistant Editor

Associate Editor

Editorial Assistants

Book Reviews Editor

Editorial Board

Advisory Board


ISSN: 0307-1847 


  1. [ Aims and Scope, The Rusi Journal] Taylor & Francis Online, accessed 2 December 2014
  2. About us Rusi, accessed 3 December 2014
  3. Journal Information, The RUSI Journal Taylor & Francis Online, accessed 2 December 2014