Small Wars and Insurgencies

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Small Wars and Insurgencies 'provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the academic and scholarly discussion of the historical, political, social, economic and psychological aspects of insurgency, counter-insurgency, limited war and irregular warfare.' [1]

The Journal that was founded in 1990 is a Peer-reviewed and well-established publication which focuses on the following areas:

  • Insurgencies and guerrilla conflicts past and present
  • Counterinsurgencies including national doctrines
  • Terrorist movements and ideologies
  • Irregular warfare and the debates on its historiography
  • Peacekeeping and “humanitarian intervention”

The Journal was founded in 1990 and is published 6 times a year.


Circa 2014


Book Reviews Editor

Editorial Board

Circa 2000


ISSN: 0959-2318 


  1. Aims and Scope, Small Wars and Insurgencies Taylor & Francis Online, accessed 2 December 2014