Small Wars and Insurgencies
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Small Wars and Insurgencies (ISSN: 0959-2318) 'provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the academic and scholarly discussion of the historical, political, social, economic and psychological aspects of insurgency, counter-insurgency, limited war and irregular warfare.' [1]
The Journal that was founded in 1990 is a Peer-reviewed and well-established publication which focuses on the following areas:
- Insurgencies and guerrilla conflicts past and present
- Counterinsurgencies including national doctrines
- Terrorist movements and ideologies
- Irregular warfare and the debates on its historiography
- Peacekeeping and “humanitarian intervention”
The Journal was founded in 1990 and is published 6 times a year.
Circa 2014
- Paul B. Rich - University of Cambridge, UK
- Thomas-Durell Young - Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA
- Thomas Mockaitis - DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USA
Book Reviews Editor
- Thomas A. Marks - National Defense University, Washington, DC, USA
Editorial Board
- Ian Beckett - University of Northampton, UK
- Richard Betts - Columbia University, USA
- David Charters - University of New Brunswick, Canada
- Peter Dennis - Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Marina Eleftheriadou - University of Peloponnese
- Mike Evans - Australian Defence College, Canberra, Australia
- Namrata Goswami - Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India
- Celeste Ward Gventer - University of Texas, USA
- Alice Hills - University of Leeds, UK
- Paul Jackson - University of Birmingham, UK
- George Joffé - University of Cambridge, UK
- Tom Johnson - Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,CA, USA
- Prem Mahadevan - Centre for Security Studies, Zurich, Switzerland
- Thomas A. Marks - National Defense University, Washington, DC, USA
- Alex Marshall - University of Glasgow, UK
- Steven Metz - Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle, PA, USA
- William Olson - National Defense University, Washington, DC, USA
- Will Reno - Northwestern University
- Barak Salomi - Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning (CAOCL), Quantico, VA, USA
- Sibylle Scheipers - University of St Andrews
- Rose Mary Sheldon - Virginia Military Institute, Virginia, VA, USA
- Mike Smith - King’s College London, UK
- Hew Strachan - University of Oxford, UK
Circa 2000
Editorial board
- John Baylis
- Ian Beckett
- Richard Betts
- David Charters
- Peter Dennis
- John Endicott
- John Gooch
- Michael Handel
- Keith Jeffery
- Max Manwaring
- Thomas A. Marks
- Sir Laurence Martin
- General Wallace Nutting
- William Olsson
- Douglas Pike
- Sam Sarkesian
- Cesar Sereseres
- Anthony Short
- Richard H. Shaltz Jr.
- R. B. Smith
- Hew Strachan
- Francis Toase
- Charles Townshend
- Russell F. Weigley
- Website:
- ↑ Aims and Scope, Small Wars and Insurgencies Taylor & Francis Online, accessed 2 December 2014