John Whittingdale

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John Whittingdale is the Conservative MP for Maldon.[1]

Dinner with lobbyists

Details of the attendees and seating plans of the Conservative's 2013 summer ball, an event where tickets cost up to £12,000 each and allows attendees to sit at the table with ministers, were leaked by the Guardian. It revealed that Whittingdale sat at a table hosted by David Burnside, which included Samantha and David Cameron and one of Vladimir Putin's aides Vasily Shestakov.[2]


External resources


  1. John Whittingdale,, accessed 14 October 2011.
  2. Melanie Newman Russian front: Cameron’s encounter with Putin friend at Tory party The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 1 July 2014, accessed 17 October 2014