Celtique Energy
Celtique Energie is involved in the exploration of unconventional gas in the UK.
In September 2014 the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) recommended refusal of Celtique's application for a three-year temporary permission to drill at Nine Acre Copse, Fernhurst, situated within the national park, because the firm had failed to show exceptional circumstances for drilling and was 'not in the public interest'. The application is due to come before the planning committee in mid-September.[1]
UK exploration licences
Celtique holds a PEDL (Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence) granted by the Department of Environment & Climate Change (DECC) to explore PEDL area 231, a square shaped area covering approximately 400sq kilometres in the ‘Central Weald Basin’
Directors Celtique Energie Holdings
- Geoffrey Davies, director, 23 Nov 2010-
- Peter Coulson, Secretary, 15 Dec 2011-
- Christopher Pullan, director, 9 Feb 2011-
- Gregory Evans, director, 10 Mar 2011-
- John Anthony Hogan, director, 10 Mar 2011- present. Hogan, who is a British geologist, was previously a director of ENI Oil Algeria Ltd from February 1994 until February 1999. [2]
Former directors
- Robert Cabes, director, 23 Nov 2010-27 Jan 2014
- Tilly Franklin, director, 10 Mar 2011-31 Oct 2013
Affiliated companies
- Celtique Energie Weald Limited
Lobbying firms
- All Party Group on Unconventional Oil and Gas - managed by major lobbying firm Edelman
- Registered Address
- Celtique Energie Ltd
- LONDON WC1R 4GB United Kingdom
- Company Number 05296922. Was incorporated on 25 November 2004.
- Website:
- Tim Webb, ‘Selfish and unpatriotic’: Geoff Davies takes on rich Nimbies of the South Downs, The Times, February 15 2014
- ↑ Report by Director of Planning Local Authority South Downs National Park Authority (West Sussex), dated accessed 3 September 2013
- ↑ John Anthony Hogan, acc 29 April 2014