Tamboran Resources

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Tamboran Resources


Plans to use fracking to extract natural gas in County Fermanagh.

Has been granted an extension to a High Court injunction to stop protestors getting close to a quarry, where they have been holding a vigil.

Tamboran plans to drill an exploratory borehole near Belcoo in August. The injunction - granted according to the company because of 'unlawful incidents' - will continue until a further order of the court.

Mark Durkan, Northern Ireland’s environment minister, says he will listen to the concerns of residents worried about fracking in Fermanagh. Says fracking will not happen on his watch “unless there is very strong scientific evidence that it is safe”, which he claims “simply does not exist at this time”. [1]







  1. Fracking firm Tamboran granted Belcoo quarry injunction extension, BBC News, 30 July 2014, acc 7 August 2014